澳必益有机集团主席David Brook夫妇以及亚洲区经理Dalene Wray女士将出席2012年2月19日至22日在迪拜举行的Gulfood海湾食品展。敬请光临澳必益的展位。届时他们将回答诸位关于澳必益有机哈俩里(清真)牛肉的一切问题。
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OBE Organic Australia
OBE Organic Australia
OBE Organic began in the nineties as the first and only premium meat exporter that was 100% dedicated to the production of organic beef in Australia. Formed by a group of far-sighted pastoral families, we had a vision to support farmers/producers who operate in the pure heart of Australia, while supplying the world’s best organic beef to restaurants & retailers around the world.