
‘I started taking photos with a film SLR camera and loved capturing memories and landscape photos of such a special area of Western Queensland. I enjoy landscape, aerial, animal and…

Corrugated Iron

Did you know, the story (of corrugated iron) starts with Henry Palmer of the London Dock Company who, in 1829, took out a patent for ‘indented or corrugated metallic sheets’?…


Basic shoeing of a horse includes trimming the hoof itself. The sole and frog are trimmed away, with length of the hoof depending on the needs of the animal. All…

Spinifex Storm

Welcome to spinifex country. In the Channel Country you’ll see rivers, dunes and spinifex all in one drive. When storms arrive, grasses thrive creating more fodder for our livestock and…

Putting the boats away

It’s not every day a boat’s your main mode of transport! Water engulfing the Channel Country’s rivers and floodplains every few years means locals need to find another way in…

The dunes

You may be 1,200kms from the golden beaches of Queensland but you won’t miss the sand dunes outside Windorah. The Channel Country is a landscape of stark contrast. From lush…


Water brings life to our country and our towns. The Channel Country rivers bring life to Outback Queensland. Natural pastures support Outback families and sustain thousands of native plants and…


‘I started taking photos with a film SLR camera and loved capturing memories and landscape photos of such a special area of Western Queensland. I also enjoy landscape, aerial, animal…

Wildflowers delight!

The Channel Country is home to many of Australia’s rare and threatened species, including the elusive night parrot. Over 65 threatened plants and 55 threatened animals are found in the…

Simpson & his donkey

‘The story of the soldier who rescued wounded men on Gallipoli with a donkey has been told to successive generations of schoolchildren.’ >>>>>>>>>>> ‘Twenty-two years old, English-born and a trade…