Adding value to cattle producers around key topics like farm safety is one of the many ways we’re helping organic beef producers flourish. Having better safety measures in place on cattle stations can translate into more productive, efficient, and profitable enterprises for graziers – and stop the very high number of accidents that happen on farms every year. That’s why OBE Organic is collaborating with Workplace Health and Safety Queensland, WorkCover Queensland and Grazing BMP to support the development of free webinars called Serious About Grazier Safety.

Serious About Grazier Safety has been developed just for cattle producers to reduce the risk of injury. The series breaks a farm safety management system down into small steps to help cattle producers develop their own system. Each webinar talks through each step, and templates just for cattle producers have been developed to make it even easier.

We have supported six webinars since July 2016 with an average of 27 participants in each webinar so far. Some of the topics addressed include risk management, safety training and supervision, and how to develop your own workplace health and safety policy. The final webinar on 7 March has around 90 beef producers registered; register to participate.

All the webinars and templates are available here, so if graziers haven’t been able to participate in the webinar series they can develop their farm safety management system any time.

The more OBE Organic can help organic beef producers flourish, the better it is for our community, our family farmers and our entire industry. We have also:

• Partnered with the livestock biosecurity network to produce a biosecurity workbook specific to the organic cattle industry
• Commenced a Facebook forum to engage with producers and share knowledge.
• Collaborated with Grazing BMP to bring the best management practices program to Western Queensland and beyond.

Stay tuned here on our blog, and OBE Organic’s social media to learn more about the ways we’re working to make organic beef producers more sustainable and profitable.


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