This bronco panel was used up until about the 1950s at Neliaka Yards. Neliaka Yards were part of Glengyle until the early 1980s. In the background you can see old posts on the ground. A flood went through these yards and washed most of the posts to the ground.

Bronco Branding is Australia’s traditional method of branding cattle in the outback. This unique method of branding cattle has been practised on most of the cattle stations throughout Australia. It involves the stockmen mustering the mob and holding them, whilst the catcher, usually the head stockman or experienced ringer, ropes an unbranded beast (clean skin) from his horse. The catch is pulled to the bronco panel or a tree, leg ropes are applied and used to secure the beast to the ground. Source Bronco Branding, Sport of the Outback | Bronco Branding SA

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