OBE Organic began in the 1990s as the first and only premium meat exporter that was 100% dedicated to the production of organic beef in Australia.

Formed by a group of far-sighted pastoral families, we had a vision to support farmers/producers who operate in the pure heart of the outback, while supplying the world’s best organic grass fed beef to restaurants, retailers and consumers around the world.

Take a look at some of the people behind our brand:

Our Farmers

Farmers or ‘producers’ as they are sometimes known, are the backbone of the OBE Organic family.

The people who raise and deliver our products are united by a shared respect for the environment and their animals, and a commitment to producing the best possible organic beef.

OBE Organic is unique because it is run on cooperative principles. This allows us to maximise returns to all the families who supply us with grass fed beef.

As a family-owned business ourselves, we work hard to support our producers so they can continue to run flourishing farms for generations to come.

While you’ll find the people who raise OBE Organic cattle in some of the most distant corners of the Australian countryside, you’ll notice they are very much connected to the modern world and best-practice principles. They also care about the quality of the product they produce and the steps it takes to reach the table.

As cattle farmers, Kate and Pete Moloney explain, “The health of our environment and animals is pivotal to the sustainability of our business. Producing a highly nutritious, sustainable protein source is a very rewarding occupation.”

South Australian producers Anthony and Janet Brooke share that, “OBE has a great story.  They have real people working behind the scenes who genuinely want to tell the world about where their beef comes from.”

Visit our website to meet more of the faces behind OBE Organic grass fed beef.

The real people behind the business

OBE Organic is family owned. The ‘real people’ behind the scenes often have hands-on experience living and working in the Australian countryside.

As our Managing Director Dalene Wray explains, “Growing up in the remote Australian town of Birdsville in the late 1970s and early 1980s, I took many things for granted: dust, searing summer heat and very occasionally, bursts of flooding rain. When the rains came, the few of us lucky enough to call that part of the country home had the best seat in the house for one of nature’s greatest spectacles: the flooding of the great desert river systems.”

“Watching this miracle as a child, I was always filled with joy as the brilliant purples, yellows and reds of the forbs and wildflowers filled the landscape. The mood was invigorating because just as surely as the rapid growth of plants followed the water, the cattle followed the herbage. That’s where the story of OBE Organic started, in the pure heart of Australia. It’s a very distinctive location. There is nowhere like it on the planet. It’s why our organic beef is said to be ‘Seasoned by Nature”.

Along with the other board members and operational staff, Dalene and our producers/farmers are committed to raising cattle that is free from harsh chemicals, pollutants and hormones. The result is the very best organic grass fed beef and a product that is in demand from all over the world.

We also have a commitment to the people we interact with on every level. Our recent Sustainability Report covered the importance of diversity, inclusion and positive mental health.

Want to know more about high-quality, grass fed beef from cattle that roam free in the wild Australian outback? Visit www.obeorganic.com.au today.

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