OBE Organic: Developing human capital to increase farm productivity


There has been a lot of talk about the need for Australian agriculture to attract capital, but it takes more than just money to make a productive farm. Investing in human capital is just as important for building multi-generational cattle businesses, and OBE Organic is working hard to help Australian cattle producers do just this.

Media Release: Organic Producers Embrace Grazing BMP


OBE Organic plans to host dedicated organic Grazing Best Management Practices (BMP) forums every six months after a resounding response from producers at the first OBE Organic Grazing BMP forum.

More than 70 organic beef producers and industry stakeholders attended the forum in Roma on Friday 21 August to be introduced to the Grazing BMP program.

Grazing For Growth — How OBE is Leading the Charge in Sustainability


On the 21st August, OBE Organic hosted their second innovation forum in Roma.  One of the focuses of this forum was to introduce organic producers to the Grazing Best Management Practices (#GrazingBMP) program, and its long term benefits to producers. Here is a little bit of history about the program and how OBE Organic came to be involved in it.