Graziers from across South West Queensland showed their demand for learning by travelling an average 700km to attend 2.5 days of continual professional development provided by OBE Organic in Charleville last week.

More satellite property mapping, improved family member communication, and better soil management are just some of the changes the 59 graziers attending across the 2.5 days said they expect to implement after participating in sessions on grazing best management practice, building a multi-generational farming business, and farm safety.

Supported by Meat and Livestock Australia, Grazing BMP, and Pastoral Profit, the event is part of OBE Organic’s work to improve the profitability of its producers by helping them amplify the organic premiums they receive with better farm management skills.

Participants said they valued the information-rich content and broad range of practical skills delivered, with 94% of attendees saying the event met their expectations.

Over 80% of graziers who conducted a Grazing BMP self-assessment of their Animal Production, Grazing Land Management and Soil Health practices said they intend to make a change as a result, with improved mapping and land observations some of the most common changes expected to be made.

Producers heard how OBE Organic is working to improve producer profitability, including by aligning its value chain more closely to consumer expectations and by providing its producers with business scenario modelling to help them assess simple management changes that can increase their revenues per head.

A full-day “Building a Multi-Generational Business” workshop facilitated by Pastoral Profit laid the foundations needed to build businesses that last, with particular insights into how to identify different communication styles and needs of individuals in the family.

Graziers also attended a half-day session to understand the five priority steps needed to create a safety management system for their properties. In Queensland alone, one in 35 agricultural workers are seriously injured each year.

OBE Organic plans to continue running the program of organic beef information, Grazing BMP self-assessments and tailored training every six months in different locations to continually improve the skills and profitability of organic beef producers.

Details of the location of the next OBE Organic Grazing BMP forum will be announced shortly.

OBE Organic is seeking new organic cattle suppliers to meet booming global demand for its beef.

Organic producers wanting to supply livestock to OBE Organic and participate in OBE Organic’s continual professional development program are encouraged to contact Livestock Coordinator Ross Mackenzie on 0409 960 084.

About OBE Organic. OBE Organic is Australia’s oldest organic beef marketing company, established by a group of family farmers in Australia’s Channel Country. It is still family-farmer-owned, and now sources beef from throughout Queensland, NSW, and South Australia. OBE Organic helps committed organic beef producers flourish by providing consistently high organic premiums, a strong focus on improving producer’s profitability and innovation, and support for producers to convert to organic. OBE Organic’s safe and nutritious organic grassfed beef is sold to rapidly growing markets in Australia, Asia, North America and the Middle East.
Web – Twitter @obeorganic – Instagram @obeorganic – Facebook

About Grazing BMP. Grazing BMP is a government and industry-funded voluntary online self-assessment and planning tool. It benchmarks graziers’ current grazing and business practices against an industry-developed set of standards, compares their performance to peers, and automatically creates action plans for improvement in areas that are below industry average. The Grazing BMP program is a partnership between AgForce, Fitzroy Basin Association Incorporated, and the Queensland Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry. For more information visit

About Pastoral Profit. Pastoral Profit is a new joint initiative between MLA and Australian Wool Innovation that supports graziers of Western Queensland to further develop their business management skills to improve the bottom line. The program increases access to leading industry information, resources and technical experts by providing regionally customised professional development activities and opportunities for pastoral producers.

For more information, please contact:
Dalene Wray
General Manager, OBE Organic
0439 224 968, dw***@ob********.net

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