OBE Organic Innovation Forum

Please join us, as we create, deliver and share value through our diverse line-up of speakers. 


Cost: Free! – Limited places available & registration is essential. To secure a place, please email or phone Paula Fraser on 0459 032 464 pf*****@ob********.net or connect with her @PaulsieFraser
Priority will be given to beef producers who are certified organic, in-conversion or considering converting their beef enterprises to organics. Closing date for registrations is the 25th July, 2014.


Venue: Longreach Civic & Cultural Centre -The Fairmount Room EAST 96a Eagle Street, Longreach


Time: 10.30 am to 5pm Thursday 7th August. The forum will be followed by a BBQ at the Stockman’s Hall of Fame, where attendees will have the opportunity for interaction and networking with the presenters & other motivated and business focused organic beef producers.


Who are our presenters* and what will you learn? (Updated Friday 1st August 2014) 


Dalene Wray – OBE’s General Manager will present on OBE’s vision and how we are creating shared value. Connect with Dalene @dalwray or connect with OBE on Linkedin.


Jade Fraser – Geospatial Consultant at Desert Channels Queensland Inc – will explain how they are using crowd sourcing, to collect data, to help understand the extent of pest and weed problems being faced by farmers in Australia. These smartphone and tablet applications do not rely on a mobile service to operate; they will record data anywhere, at anytime. This means they are an ideal platform for data collection in remote areas.  “It’s basically crowd sourcing information for the benefit of the region. The information can then be used by landholders, community groups or Shire Councils to develop a coordinated plan to control the feral animal or weed problem”. Connect with DCQ on Twitter  & Google +


Deirdre Lander – International HR Consultant. BIG DATA, the cloud, digital breadcrumbs, social media – and more – are radically changing the way we live our lives, connect with our customers and buy and sell our products. How is this being applied to farming? Where are the opportunities for SMART farming? Connect with Deirdre @DeirdreLander 


Dr Andrew Blinco –  Senior Business Analyst, will present on innovations at OBE & how data analysis is driving operational change at OBE. Connect with Andrew @Andrew_Blinco or view the OBE website here.


Sharon Seymour – Human Resources Practitioner, will present on important HR considerations for farming families. Connect with Sharon @larosh1 or www.larosh.com.au


David Counsell – Veterinarian & co-author of the Northern Beef Situation Analysis (NBSA) will present on key learnings from the NBSA Report & will introduce the benefits of attending a Business EDGE workshop. Why not consider attending a workshop in July? You have two options, Kingaroy 21-22nd July & Roma 23-24th July For more information: www.babusiness.com.au  or connect with Bush Agribusiness @babusiness1


Ken Dixon – Insurance Broker with 24 years experience, will present on protecting your assets and lifestyles. He will explain how to maximise your cover whilst minimising your premiums. www.dixoninsurance.com.au


Dana Gould – Organic Compliance Officer, will discuss what ‘in-conversion’ really means to an organic farmer & also how the USDA NOP Pasture rule will influence pasture management on US NOP certified properties.  The Organic Food Chain


Cathy Dancer – Residential Care Manager – RSL Care Longreach – Will discuss what you need to consider for yourself, your partner or your parents if/when they need more care than they (or you) are in a position to provide, in the home or on farm.


Mark Huntley – Director – Pumps N Solar Roma – Will discuss livestock water management using Observant technology.  Observant technology allows you to efficiently manage livestock water systems by providing up to date information about water levels, water flow and automating pump control.


Morgan Gronold Chairperson of the International Committee for the upcoming Beef Australia 2015 event will share how producers can benefit from the national beef exposition to be held in Rockhampton from the 4th to the 9th of May, 2015.


Whether you’re attending our Forum, or want to follow along online, join the conversation on Twitter with our official event hashtag, #obeif14. By using this hashtag you’ll be able to see what participants are tweeting about in real-time from the event.


Farming Word Cloud

* Presenters are subject to change.

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