Lots of people buy our organic beef because we’re farmer-owned. And with good reason.
Being farmer owned means a super-short supply chain: cattle are raised on organic properties, they’re trucked to our processor, and we send beef to customers around the world. That’s it. With such a short supply chain, you can feel good knowing your purchase is directly benefitting family farmers.
But we know lots of people look for more than just the feel-good factor of buying beef from family farmers. And that’s OK.
Because while we retain the family farmer values of our founders, we’re proud of the sophisticated beef business we have built to deliver safe food to families of the world.
We’ve worked very hard and invested a lot of money building a business that directly benefits farmers with organic premiums and innovations – and that meets the expectations of our discerning customers.
Our beef is a beautiful natural product with a consistently distinctive flavour.
Our supply chain meets rigorous organic and safety standards to deliver a product you can trust.
Our company has an industry-leading sustainability program.
And our beef comes from a source you can trust. From outback farmers who believe in organics so much, they started Australia’s organic beef export industry in the 1990s. You can meet some of them here.
So for real food from real farmers, keep on buying OBE Organic.
Go to our WHERE TO BUY page to find your closest OBE Organic retailer toay.