Photo of Georgie Fraser Georgie Fraser is one of our family farmers.


Interested in learning about what one of our young farmers finds most exciting on her organic farm? We posed a series of questions to our family farmers and have turned their responses into a short video series titled ‘The people behind OBE Organic’.

Today, we’re pleased to introduce Ms Georgie Fraser. Georgie lives on Nooyeah Downs Station. It is 1100km from the east coast of Australia in the Channel Country. Three generations of Frasers have farmed the station for the last fifty years. The 220,000-acre property is on the Bulloo River. The river’s large floodplain covers much of Nooyeah Downs.



Georgie’s parents, Scott and Paula, produce cattle for export and sale to OBE Beef. They are also shareholders in the OBE Beef company.


In her spare time, Georgie enjoys reading, cooking, listening to music, horse riding, playing sports and snow and water skiing.


In December 2007, Georgie travelled with a group of female OBE farmers to visit our customers in Hong Kong and Taiwan.   “This trip  helped me to see how OBE Beef is presented and marketed in supermarkets overseas”.


OBE Organic Group at Taroko Gorge with Taiwan Customers. Photo Karen BrookOBE Organic family farmers take great pride in learning about the culture of our customers. Here are some of our farmers visiting our customer in Taiwan.


Having spent five years at boarding school, Georgie is acutely aware of the difficulties faced by young people from the outback. “We are very isolated, with little or no contact with other people our age,’’ she says. “There are no shops and we have to travel hundreds of kilometers to complete our education.”


Georgie is keen to share her experience as a young person living on an organic cattle property in the outback. “We are in a low rainfall area of 250millimetres which helps in our organic production because the low rainfall does not let disease and pests survive and we also live a long way from crops and chemical sprays. This makes our property excellent for organic production. The floodwater which comes from higher rainfall areas onto our property helps supplement the water for the pastures. It also deposits new minerals in the soils in the form of new soil which washes down with the floodwater. The floodwaters across our farm can be up to 24 kilometres wide.”


On the 26th September 2012, Georgie began guest tweeting for us. For a whole week she shared what life was like as a young OBE Organic farmer. She shared some fun stories and great images! You can follow us on twitter here; or on facebook here;



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