Paula Fraser

As our Producer Liason Officer, Paula Fraser plays an important role at OBE. She regularly liaises with our producers on all things related to organic certification as well as a miriad of other topics.


She is also busy on twitter @paulsiefraser and in her own words describes herself as, ‘ ……  an organic beef producer. Can and will take out gates in a semi trailer. Mum, stockman, teacher, business owner – but please don’t look at my garden.’!


Paula lives in Far South West Queensland, close to to the community of Thargomindah. She is married to OBE Director and Founder, Scott Fraser.


In this short video, Paula recounts how OBE started. She explains that the founders, ‘wanted it to be some-thing different‘. Now, over fifteen years later it is interesting to look back on  how it all began.



Paula, her husband Scott and daughter Georgie feature in our video series titled ‘The People Behind OBE Organic’.



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