What is The Kunmurri Artist Trail?


The Kunmurri (meaning Rainbow Serpent) Art Trail is a detailed map tour that is annually collated and printed by Vast Arts as part of their mission to create opportunities for artists and make the arts a visible and viable part of the community. It gives tourists, visitors and locals a comprehensive guide to the regions art and cultural experiences.

This is the only guide of its kind for this unique and vast region and inside you will find details of sites of cultural significance from galleries in town to the artists studio out on a isolated property. There are maps, contact details and all the art appreciator could want to enjoy art in the outback.

OBE Organic is proud to sponsor the #kunmurri Art Trail.


The name

Vast Arts had successful discussions with the regions indigenous groups to find a common word among the some 14 dialects used in the area. They all settled with ‘Kunmurri’ which means ‘rainbow serpent’. The group felt this reflected not only the area and its dreamtime beginnings, but emphasizes the strong cultural links and community partnership in the area.


Their goal

To publicise and market the cultural and artistic viewing opportunities in central and south west Queensland to the regional community, potential visitors and tourists highlighting the regions cultural tourism attractions.


The Project’s Objectives

• To publish an annual A6 booklet format featuring artists and cultural sites from the central and south west of Queensland region as a comprehensive ‘all in one’ guide

• Promote the regions artists and increase cultural awareness of the region locally,regionally and Australia wide

• To help regional artists professional development

• To deliver a cultural tourism opportunity

• To form cultural partnerships with tourism organisations, councils and regional



What their dedicated team do

Vast Arts annually collates information on artists and cultural sites that elect to be part of the Art Trail, including images and content, which is then edited into an A5 booklet of which 10,000 are printed by Vast Arts and then distributed with the assistance of tourism organisations, councils, regional communities and art and government organisations.


The benefits to our communities

The promotion of regional artists and other cultural opportunities will ensure the longevity of the region’s cultural tourism potential by tying together the towns of the region by a common denominator – art. It will be great exposure for the regions artists and their professional development, especially those who may not have the means or skill set to market themselves.


There are many excellent artists in the region, galleries and other culturally important sites.While there are tourism guides, there is nothing that has a cultural or artistic focus. Artists who have home studios and galleries will greatly benefit from the increased awareness. By detailing these hidden treasures in a guide, with maps, information and contact details, the community as whole as it will increase tourist traffic and cultural awareness.



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