Here at OBE Organic, we know we have the best grass fed organic beef in the world with a truly unique provenance and story that consumers around the world love.

If you follow us on Instagram and Facebook you’ll see how much we promote the pristine environment in the pure heart of Australia that infuses our beef with the real taste of Australia.   

But another way to bring our story to life is to let our customers see it for themselves. That’s why we were delighted to recently show our long-term California distributor Joe Sanchez every step of our supply chain – from vast organic properties in outback Australia, to the state of the art processing plant we use, to our sophisticated sales and logistics office in Brisbane.

We asked Joe about some of the key takeaways from his visit.

What will you be telling your customers now you’ve seen the OBE supply chain – farms, processing and office? 

I will be telling them we have sourced a very good grass fed organic beef program for them. The process is unbelievable. I can attest to the fact that the cattle are free to roam, graze and the calves are with their mothers for an extended period of time. Natural water and rainfall is accessible to all cattle, and the cattle graze on the natural native plants and shrubs that are grown in the Channel Country.

Joe standing on The Big Red

The Stanbroke processing facility has taken extreme measures so that food safety is top priority. I’ve never had to dress up so much so that any part of clothing is exposed in the processing room and I have been in US abattoirs throughout my career. The measures taken are extremely important to shelf life of product.   

What are your impressions of the landscape / properties that our cattle come from, and what do you think this means for our beef? 

The landscape of the property I saw, the 360,000 square mile Adria Downs, is amazing. I toured the property with David Brook and he explained to me there are 250 plant species that are available to the cattle to feed on. The cattle are moved to greener pastures when the feeding area has dried up.

Free roaming cattle

I was able to go out on the range and help muster cattle to get a first-hand experience of how a cattle station operates. I was able to camp with the crew and to share the beauty of this land with them and the cattle. They treat the cattle as humanely as possible and care for the cattle as if it were their children they were raising. The cattle are allowed to rest, walk at their own pace and are cared for with the utmost respect. There is plenty of water available. All these are important to how the cattle perform and to be assured that you are getting the best organic beef produced in the world.

What are your impressions of OBE Organic now you’ve visited us?  Is this different from your impressions before? 

If I was impressed with the end product before, I am now truly impressed how it all takes form. 

The product is a true testament to how the cattle are raised, handled, treated, cared for and of where the cattle come from. The Stanbroke facility tour really assured me of how quality of a product OBE Organic produces. The plant tour really helped me understand how hygiene and safety take effect to get a better product and to extend shelf life out to over 120 days with the vacuum packaging.

Joe Sanchez and the OBE team around the fire

Is there anything else you’d like to say or tell OBE’s farmers in Australia or customers around the world? 

I want to thank OBE Organic farmers in producing a great quality organic beef product. Your hard work, care for the cattle, care for the environment and the husbandry given to these cattle show in the end product that results in great tasting beef.

Customers buying OBE Organic can be assured the beef was meant to be enjoyed by people worldwide. You can be assured that the cattle were treated humanely, that the cattle were processed in the greatest of sanitary conditions and that you will experience a great tasting product.

Joe – we would like to sincerely thank you for taking the time to travel all the way from LA to see the supply chain we’re so proud of. Your experienced customer insights and knowledge are greatly valued by us.

If you’re a beef retailer or distributor and want to stock OBE Organic grass fed beef, please contact our friendly Sales Team at sa***@ob********.net.  



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