Sustainability and OBE Organic

The recent Sustainability Report 2023 from OBE Organic provides a snapshot of our efforts to deliver on our mission, which is to help people lead better, healthier lives. The report…

What makes OBE Organic unique?

OBE Organic supplies certified organic, grass fed halal beef to global retailers and wholesalers. Our brand’s mission is to provide safe food to families of the world. The land we…
sustainability report

OBE Organic releases 2022 Sustainability Report

We’re helping secure the environmental future of the pristine outback Channel Country Our 2022 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT reveals OBE Organic’s commitment to sustainability. #obeorganic #obebeef #trueaussiebeef Australia’s oldest organic beef company…
animal welfare

Animal Welfare at OBE Organic

At OBE Organic, we have a clear mandate for sustainability that applies to our people, our planet and our products. Because our products are all made from beef, our mandate…

How water makes the world’s best beef

There is a famous Australian poem that speaks of “droughts and flooding rains”. Many people around the world think of the Australian outback as dry and desert-like. However, every few…

OBE Organic: Our farmers & our people

OBE Organic began in the 1990s as the first and only premium meat exporter that was 100% dedicated to the production of organic beef in Australia. Formed by a group…