Sharon was appointed a Director of OBE Organic in 2016. Sharon lives on Epsilon Station in South West Queensland, and runs approximately 10,000 head of organic cattle at Epsilon and Mungerannie Station near Lake Eyre in South Australia. She has vast knowledge of cattle production in the Lake Eyre Basin.
Sharon and her family have been supplying organic cattle to OBE Organic soon after the company was established in the 1990s, and she is immensely proud of the beef they produce.
As a supplier to OBE Organic for almost twenty years, Sharon’s personal experience has been that OBE’s number one priority is to support producers as much as possible through the ups and downs of farming cycles. Now as a Director, Sharon is a strong advocate of OBE Organic’s work to continue this tradition of running an innovative global organic beef supply chain while staying true to outback values of looking after family farmers.